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16 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week

Baby kicks coming soon

You’ll probably start feeling your baby move between 16 and 22 weeks, most likely when you’re sitting or lying quietly. Veteran moms usually notice the first subtle flutters, known as “quickening,” earlier than first-time moms.

Pregnancy glow

Glowing skin during pregnancy isn’t a myth – it’s a real thing that happens thanks to fluctuating hormone levels and increased blood flow. You’re most likely to have a pregnancy glow in the second trimester.

Dreaming of a babymoon?

If you’re planning to take one last trip before you add to your family, check out these tips on having a fantastic babymoon.

Baby development at 16 weeks

Delicate baby skin

Your baby’s skin is thin and translucent. It will thicken and develop as your pregnancy progresses, but will continue to be almost transparent for quite some time.

Scalp patterning

On your baby’s scalp, hair follicles are forming a pattern that will remain for life. This patterning sets the stage for how your baby’s hair will grow. New hair follicles don’t form after birth, so babies are born with all the hair follicles they’ll ever have.

Heart at work

Your baby’s heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your little one develops.

Having twins?

Learn more about being 16 weeks pregnant with twins.

BabyCenter Zodiac

What will your baby’s zodiac sign be? See what it says about their personality.

baby with hair pattern forming on scalp

  • Nerves from the taste buds are forming connections to the brain
  • A hair pattern is forming on your baby’s scalp
  • Limbs can move in a coordinated way thanks to newly formed nerves

Your baby is about the size of an avocado

avocado illustration




head to toe



Pregnancy symptoms during week 16

Round ligament pain

As your amazing uterus grows, the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching. Unfortunately, this can lead to a sharp, stabbing pain on one or both sides of your abdomen called round ligament pain. If this happens, try to stop and rest – round ligament pain should ease up quickly. If you still feel cramping after resting, call your doctor or midwife.

Gas and bloating

Your body is producing way more gas than usual thanks to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles throughout your body – including your digestive tract. Those relaxed muscles slow down your digestion, leading to more gas and bloating and uncomfortable sensations in your gut. To get relief from gas, eat smaller, more frequent meals and take your time when eating. Avoid carbonated drinks and the artificial sweetener sorbitol. And get moving – a quick walk can get your digestion moving.

Back pain

Many women experience back pain during pregnancy. As your uterus expands, it weakens your abdominal muscles and puts extra strain on your lower back. Hormonal changes also loosen your joints and relax the ligaments that attach your pelvic bones to your spine, causing unsteadiness and pain. Exercises such as weight training, prenatal yoga, walking, swimming, and pelvic tilts can help strengthen muscles and reduce discomfort. You can also ask your partner or a friend to give you a pregnancy massage for back pain, or book a prenatal massage with a practitioner.

Breast changes

You’ve probably noticed breast changes like sore nipples, breast tenderness, prominent veins, pigment changes, and more pronounced bumps on your areolas. Sometimes pregnant women develop lumps and bumps in their breasts, too. These are usually harmless and could be milk-filled cysts (galactoceles) or benign breast tumors (fibroadenomas). It’s unusual for a woman to develop anything serious (like breast cancer) during pregnancy. But let your provider know about any lumps that are hard or otherwise concerning.


Is “pregnancy brain” real? Researchers aren’t sure, but many moms-to-be report having moments of absentmindedness and trouble focusing. No one knows exactly why this happens, but it seems likely that a combination of stress and anxiety, fatigue, and hormones could lead to forgetfulness during pregnancy. If you’re having trouble keeping track of things in your daily life, try simplifying wherever possible, asking for help, and using your phone’s calendar and other apps to stay organized.

Pregnancy headaches

Headaches during pregnancy are common, and can be caused by stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, cutting back on caffeine, hormonal changes, and other regular things. If you have a severe headache in the second or third trimester, however, it could be a sign of preeclampsia. Call your provider if you have a bad headache or a headache for the first time.

baby in womb with ligaments of uterus thickening at 16 weeks

  • The ligaments supporting your uterus are thickening

Pregnancy checklist at 16 weeks pregnant

Investigate second-trimester prenatal tests

New trimester, new prenatal tests. Around 16 to 18 weeks, you may be offered a test for Alpha Fetal Protein (AFP) to help screen for neural tube defects (problems with the brain and spinal cord), such as spina bifida. (This test isn’t as accurate as the anatomy ultrasound, however, which you’ll have in a few weeks). If you screen positive, your doctor will refer you to a specialist for a comprehensive ultrasound. Your provider can also order quad screen if you haven’t had a first trimester screen or NIPT but want screening for Down syndrome.

Avoid unsafe activities

As your belly grows, it’s important to avoid unsafe activities that carry a high risk of falling or that may cause trauma to your abdomen. That means scuba diving, contact sports, snowboarding, downhill skiing, four wheelers, horseback riding, and some amusement park rides are off-limits.

Track your weight gain

Your caregiver will monitor your weight to make sure you’re in a healthy range and gaining at a good pace. You can also use our pregnancy weight gain calculator to stay on track.

Start a baby names list

Here’s a good way to come up with baby names you and your partner can live with: Make a list of ten names you like. Have your partner do the same. Trade lists and take turns crossing off names you don’t love until you (hopefully) have some in common.

Talk to your baby

Though you can’t have a face-to-face chat yet, talking to your baby is a great way to start the bonding process. If having an actual conversation seems too odd, narrate your activities, read out loud, or share your secret wishes for your child. Writing a letter to your baby is also a special way to connect, now and when your child reads the letter someday.

16 weeks pregnant bellies

Your body is working hard – so show it some extra love. Use a maternity support garment if you’re feeling pain in your hips or groin, upgrade your bras and underwear, and get a pregnancy pillow if you’re having trouble getting comfortable in bed. The right pillow can drastically improve your sleep by supporting your back and belly.

Consider investing in some cute flats or other good shoes for pregnancy – but be aware that your feet will swell and even grow later in pregnancy, so you may want to buy a half or whole size bigger than your usual.

You may also want to treat yourself to a prenatal massage, a facial, or a manicure and pedicure. All are safe during pregnancy, as long as you take some basic precautions.

2 thoughts on “16 Week Pregnant”

  1. Pingback: 24 week pregnant - Pregnancy Tips

  2. Pingback: 32 Week pregnant - Pregnancy Tips

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