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19 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week

Rainbow babies

If you’re pregnant after a loss, you may struggle with mixed emotions like worry, excitement, fear, and joy. Here are ways to honor your experience and celebrate your rainbow baby.

Baby shower planning

Having a baby shower or baby sprinkle? It’s not too early to talk to the host about the theme and whom to invite.

Baby name ideas

For inspiration, check out these baby names inspired by nature, outer space, and love.

Baby development at 19 weeks


The skin on your baby’s fingers and toes has formed distinct patterns. These fingerprints (and toeprints) are now permanent and unique – even among identical twins!

Your baby’s senses

Your baby’s sensory development is exploding. Their brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.

Vernix caseosa

A white, waxy coating called vernix caseosa is forming on your baby’s skin. Vernix has many benefits: It protects and moisturizes your baby’s skin, protects against harmful bacteria, and helps the lungs and digestive tract develop.

baby with hair sprouting on scalp

  • Vernix – a waxy coating – is forming on your baby’s skin
  • Your baby may be able to hear the sound of your heartbeat
  • Brain areas for vision, hearing, touch, and smell are expanding

Your baby is about the size of an heirloom tomato

heirloom tomato illustration




head to toe



Pregnancy symptoms during week 19

Round ligament pain

As your uterus grows, the ligaments that connect it to your pelvis stretch and thicken. This can cause a sharp, stabbing pain called round ligament pain. The sensation may feel like it starts deep inside your groin and moves upward and outward on either side to the top of your hips. If round ligament pain strikes, stop and rest if you can, and avoid movements or positions that trigger it. Round ligament pain is brief, and should ease quickly.

Abdominal pain

If you’re having abdominal cramping and it doesn’t go away with rest, call your doctor or midwife. Also call if the cramping causes severe pain, or is accompanied by another symptom like fever or dizziness. Another warning sign: You have pain in the upper abdomen, or your abdomen is unusually sensitive to touch, especially when pressure is released (this could signal an abdominal infection).

Skin changes

Are the palms of your hands red? It’s from extra estrogen. You may also have patches of darkened skin on your upper lip, cheeks, and forehead – that’s called melasma, or the “mask of pregnancy.” Pregnancy hormones act on the cells that contain melanin, which can also lead to darkening of your nipples, freckles, scars, underarms, inner thighs, and vulva. Also, you’ll probably see a darkened line running from your belly button to your pubic bone – that’s the linea nigra, or “dark line.” All these changes in pigmentation should fade after pregnancy.


One in five pregnant women have nosebleeds. Due to increased blood volume, pregnancy causes the blood vessels in your nose to expand, which makes them break and bleed more often. This is more likely to happen if you have a cold or allergies, or you’re in particularly dry air. If you get a bloody nose during pregnancy, sit down and lean forward while keeping your head higher than your heart. Pinch the lower part of your nose with your thumb and index finger for 10 to 15 minutes, breathing through your mouth. You can also apply cold to the bridge of your nose to constrict the blood vessels and slow the bleeding.

Shortness of breath

Feeling out of breath lately? You’re not imagining it – you need more oxygen during pregnancy, and your body adapts by inhaling and exhaling more air with each breath. Plus, later in pregnancy your breathing might feel more labored as your growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm. If you’re feeling breathless, pause and rest. But if your shortness of breath is sudden or severe, or you have other troubling symptoms like a rapid or irregular heartbeat, call your provider. If you can’t reach them, call 911 or go to the ER.

baby in body at 19 weeks

  • You may be gaining about a pound a week
  • As ligaments supporting your uterus stretch, you may feel short, sharp pains

Pregnancy checklist at 19 weeks pregnant

Embrace your pregnancy body type

It’s possible to find cute maternity clothes that flatter your body type whether you’re petite, curvy, or carrying high or low. The most important style tip of all: Make sure you feel comfortable and confident.

Think about childcare

It’s smart to look into childcare options now if you’ll need regular care for your baby. Ask local parent friends for recommendations and search online. If you live in an area where daycare centers are in high demand, go on a few tours and put your name on waiting lists. Keep in mind that it can take time to find a good fit. You’ll probably see other expecting parents on your tours!

Plan something fun

Take a moment to enjoy this baby-free time. Some ideas: Buy tickets for a performance or live music, go to a late-night movie, wait in line at your favorite Sunday-morning breakfast place, or take a day trip nearby. Or, go big and plan a babymoon.

Improve your sleep

It doesn’t matter how determined you are to rest up before your baby comes, your body has other plans. Whether you constantly need to pee, feel anxious, can’t get comfortable in bed, wake up hungry, or have heartburn, leg cramps, or just plain insomnia – getting enough sleep during pregnancy can be a struggle. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try! There are plenty of things you can do to sleep better tonight, from changing what and when you eat or drink to practicing good sleep hygiene and having the right pillow. Read the basics of getting a good night’s sleep during pregnancy, and don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or midwife for tailored advice.

Connect with other parents

People in the same stage of parenting can be a lifeline. Find a group of non-judgmental parents, whether that’s an in-person mom’s group, a prenatal yoga class, or an online group in the BabyCenter Community. Check out your birth club (where all members are due in the same month) or browse our groups by topic. Start building relationships with other parents and parent-to-be now so you’ll have some solid connections by the time your baby arrives.

2 thoughts on “19 Week Pregnant”

  1. Pingback: 21 Week Pregnant - Pregnancy Tips

  2. Pingback: 22 Week Pregnant - Pregnancy Tips

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