Highlights this week
Chores to avoid
At 31 weeks, your nesting urge may be in full force, but it’s important to avoid certain chores that can be unsafe – like moving furniture and using strong chemicals.
Healthy pregnancy recipes
Nourishing yourself and your baby is crucial during pregnancy, but it’s not always easy. These pregnancy recipes are quick, delicious, and packed with nutrients.
Ready for parenting?
BabyCenter Courses offers virtual classes on infant CPR, baby sleep, and physical milestones with expert info from members of our Medical Advisory Board.
Baby development at 31 weeks
Fattening up
Your baby’s body is beginning to plump up as needed fat accumulates underneath their skin. For the rest of your pregnancy, your baby will be packing on the pounds in preparation for birth.
Your baby’s movements
Your baby can stretch, kick, and somersault – in fact, their dramatic motions may be keeping you up at night. Take comfort: All this fetal movement is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.
Getting ready to breathe
Your baby’s lungs are developing rapidly, but they won’t be ready to breathe air until about 36 weeks. (They need more time to produce surfactant, a substance that keeps the lungs inflated.) If your baby is premature, they’ll get some extra help breathing at birth. And if you’re at risk for preterm labor, you may be offered steroid shots to speed up your baby’s lung development.
Your baby’s brain
Brain development kicks into high gear in the last trimester as your baby’s brain triples in weight. Also, the cerebrum develops deep grooves that provide extra surface area without taking up more room in the skull.
BabyCenter Zodiac
What will your baby’s zodiac sign be? See what it says about their personality.
Zoom in to learn more
- Your baby’s eyes may be able to make out some faint shapes
- At just over 3 pounds, your baby’s getting ready for a growth spurt
- Your baby is plumping up as fat builds up under the skin
Your baby is about the size of a coconut
head to toe
Pregnancy symptoms during week 31
Braxton Hicks contractions
Have you noticed the muscles in your uterus tightening now and then? Many women feel these contractions – called Braxton Hicks – in the second half of pregnancy. Often lasting about 30 seconds, they should be irregular, infrequent, and painless (though they may feel uncomfortable). Labor contractions, on the other hand, come at regular intervals and increase in intensity over time.
If you’re unsure whether you’re experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions or true labor, let your doctor or midwife know right away. Sometimes Braxton Hicks contractions are hard to distinguish from early signs of preterm labor, so play it safe and don’t try to make the diagnosis yourself.
And remember: Dehydration can bring on Braxton Hicks, so do your best to drink enough fluids throughout the day. You may also notice these contractions more at the end of the day, when you have a full bladder, and during or after physical activity or sex. To ease discomfort from Braxton Hicks, it can help to rest, take a walk, do relaxation exercises, or take a warm bath.
Leaky breasts
If you’re seeing drops of a yellow or orange fluid leaking from your nipples (or in your bra cups), don’t worry! This is colostrum, a high-protein, antibody-rich liquid that’s the perfect first food for your newborn. It’s sometimes called “foremilk” because it comes in before mature breast milk.
If your breasts are leaking, it’s totally normal – your body is getting ready to feed your baby. Try tucking some nursing pads into your bra to protect your clothes. And if you don’t see any colostrum yet, that’s also nothing to worry about. Your breasts are making colostrum even if you don’t see it yet.
Frequent urination
Peeing more than usual? Up to 95 percent of women experience frequent urination during pregnancy. This may begin at the start of pregnancy and continue until delivery. Hormones, extra fluid, and pressure on your bladder all play a part in causing you to run to the bathroom more often.
Frequent urination could also be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Tell your provider if you have pain during urination, blood-tinged urine, cloudy or foul-smelling pee, a fever, or pain in your back or lower abdominal area.
Some women leak urine during pregnancy when they cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise. This often happens because pregnancy hormones loosen the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding ligaments. Plus, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles. Urinary incontinence may go away after delivery, but it can continue as postpartum incontinence. Doing Kegel exercises can help by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
Back pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms, and you may really be feeling it these days. It happens most in the second half of pregnancy, as your baby grows larger. As your uterus expands, it shifts your center of gravity and stretches your abdominal muscles, putting strain on your back. Hormonal changes also play a role in pregnancy back pain.
You may have lumbar back pain (felt right at the lower back), and/or posterior pelvic pain (felt in your buttocks or the back of your thighs).
Low-impact exercises – such as swimming, stretching, and walking – can help. Improving your posture, wearing comfortable shoes, and not carrying heavy items can also help prevent and improve your back pain.
If you can’t get any relief, talk to your provider about trying acupuncture or prenatal massage. If you have severe pain, your provider may recommend medication.
Trouble sleeping
There are many reasons it’s challenging to get good sleep during the third trimester: Your baby’s kicking, aches and pains, frequent trips to the bathroom, and trying to get comfortable are just a few.
If finding the right sleeping position is a problem, try experimenting with different options. For example, sleeping on the couch, in a recliner, or on an air mattress may be easier on your body than lying in bed. Or, try a foam mattress pad on your bed and a pregnancy pillow. Here are more tips on getting comfortable in bed in later pregnancy.
Insomnia during pregnancy takes a toll on your health. If you’ve tried different sleep strategies and you’re still having trouble getting a solid night of rest, let your provider know.
If you’re feeling a sharp or dull pain that starts in your lower back and radiates down your buttocks and legs, you may have sciatica. This pain occurs when there’s compression, inflammation, or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower spine to your buttocks and down the back of your legs.
Sciatica is common in pregnancy, especially during the last few months when your baby’s putting on weight. Your growing baby and uterus can press down on the sciatic nerve. And as your baby settles into position for birth, their head may rest on your sciatic nerve.
This pain should go away after delivery. In the meantime, ease sciatic pain by applying warm compresses to your back, gently stretching the muscles, and doing Kegel exercises and pelvic tilts (also known as cat/cow pose or cat stretch pose). You can also ask your provider about using acupuncture, prenatal massage, and pain medication to cope with sciatica.
- You may have irregular Braxton Hicks contractions
- Constipation may get worse as your baby presses on your rectum
Pregnancy checklist at 31 weeks
Do stretches for labor
As your due date approaches, try to increase your flexibility and strengthen your body as much as you can. Stretching is the perfect way to do this: It can help open your pelvis, strengthen your abdominal muscles, ease back pain during delivery, and relieve muscle tension. These exercises to prepare for labor include a good back stretch, hip openers, and breathing exercises.
Prepare your kids for the new baby
If you already have a child (or a few), help them get used to the idea of a new baby. Toddlers may be too young to show real interest in a future sibling. But you can still tell them they’re going to be a big brother or sister and have them feel your belly or the baby’s kicks.
Older children can help pick out clothes and toys and decorate the nursery. You may have to answer their many questions about the new baby – and explain how babies are made!
For children of all ages, try not to make sudden changes in their routine or adjustments to their living space right before the baby comes, as this might make them feel displaced. You may also want to give them a special sibling gift “from” the baby. Here are more tips on helping your child adjust to a new sibling.
Think about how you’ll manage labor pain
Most women choose to have an epidural during labor to cope with labor pain. An epidural for childbirth reduces sensation in the lower half of your body but doesn’t cause a total lack of feeling.
If you have an epidural, you’ll likely still feel the pressure of your contractions (which will be helpful when it’s time to push) and be aware of (but not bothered by) vaginal exams during labor. And you’ll still be able to feel your baby moving through the birth canal and coming out.
There are other pain-relief options, too – or you may choose to have an unmedicated (“natural”) birth. No matter what you decide, you’ll want support when you deliver. Send these tips for supporting a woman in labor to your partner or other loved ones who’ll be with you for the birth.
Get mental health support
An estimated one in 10 women have depression during pregnancy, often triggered by hormonal and life changes. If you think this could apply to you, take our pregnancy depression quiz to see if you may need help. Getting treatment and support at the first signs of depression or anxiety can help you avoid postpartum depression (PPD) after delivery – so tell your provider if your mental health is taking a hit.
Start babyproofing
You’ll eventually have to babyproof every room in your house, including the bathrooms and kitchen. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about checking off every single item on the babyproofing list right now (some can wait until your baby is here and starting to move around on their own). Here are the most important ways to protect your newborn from common dangers.
31 weeks pregnant bellies
You want to look and feel good during these last few months of pregnancy. But you may not want to spend a lot of money on clothes you’ll only wear for a matter of months. Luckily, there are ways to save money on maternity clothes.
Start by taking a closer look at your closet and seeing what you currently have. You may be able to buy a few basics in bigger sizes – like maternity leggings – and make them work with what you already have. Thrift stores and second-hand shops (online or in person) usually have discounted maternity clothes. You can also ask friends for hand-me-downs or set up a clothing swap with other expecting moms.