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34 Week pregnant

Highlights this week Keeping tabs on your baby Your provider will measure your fundal height – the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus – at every visit to estimate your baby’s size.… 34 Week pregnant

33 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week More prenatal visits These days, you may feel like your doctor or midwife has a revolving door. Third-trimester prenatal visits are frequent – and if you’re having a high-risk pregnancy, you may see your provider even… 33 Week Pregnant

32 Week pregnant

Highlights this week Changing positions Most babies are head down by now, and in the next few weeks, your baby will likely get into anterior position – head down, facing your back. This is ideal… 32 Week pregnant

31 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Chores to avoid At 31 weeks, your nesting urge may be in full force, but it’s important to avoid certain chores that can be unsafe – like moving furniture and using strong chemicals. Healthy pregnancy recipes… 31 Week Pregnant

30 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Baby shower fun If you haven’t had your shower yet, check out more than a dozen ideas for baby shower games that will keep your friends and family entertained. Belly getting in the way?… 30 Week Pregnant

29 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Feeling hiccups Noticing small, rhythmic movements? Your baby’s hiccups in the womb are totally normal, and might play a role in lung maturation. Third trimester to-dos Your baby will be here before you know… 29 Week Pregnant

28 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week You’re in the home stretch. You’ll most likely have a checkup every two weeks until 36 weeks, then switch to once-a-week visits until you deliver. Pregnancy weight gain In the third trimester, aim for… 28 Week Pregnant

27 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Taking naps Naps are a wonderful way to get better sleep during pregnancy. Studies show more than half of pregnant women take a nap during the work week, and 60 percent take naps… 27 Week Pregnant

26 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Maternity picture ideas With your third trimester just around the corner, your baby bump may be looking especially photo-ready. Capture this special point in pregnancy with these maternity picture ideas. 3D ultrasound A “keepsake… 26 Week Pregnant

25 week pregnant

Highlights this week Safe pregnancy exercise Most women can keep exercising throughout pregnancy – and exercise has lots of benefits. But as your body changes, you’ll need to modify your workouts. Belly button popping out? Is… 25 week pregnant