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24 week pregnant

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Highlights this week Pregnancy glow The pregnancy glow you’ve likely heard so much about isn’t a myth. Changing hormones, above-average oil production, and increased blood flow can make your skin look flushed, shiny, and even radiant. Unusual… 24 week pregnant

23 week pregnant

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Highlights this week Safe pregnancy exercise For most expecting moms, exercise is not only safe, it’s recommended for a healthy pregnancy. Choose from these safe pregnancy workouts. Top pregnancy foods Salmon helps with fetal brain development.… 23 week pregnant

22 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Positive affirmations The right words can help you through even the most challenging moments. Try some of these encouraging affirmations for pregnancy and parenting. Pets and pregnancy Is your dog extra protective? Is your… 22 Week Pregnant

21 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Baby kicks Soon, other people may be able to feel your baby move by putting a hand on your belly. Your baby’s initial fluttering movements will turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. Hiring a… 21 Week Pregnant

20 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week You’re halfway there! You’re at the midpoint in your pregnancy – or maybe a little more or less. Most women don’t deliver exactly on their due date. You’re just as likely to go… 20 Week Pregnant

19 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Rainbow babies If you’re pregnant after a loss, you may struggle with mixed emotions like worry, excitement, fear, and joy. Here are ways to honor your experience and celebrate your rainbow baby. Baby… 19 Week Pregnant

18 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Mid-pregnancy ultrasound Get ready to see your baby! You’ll have an ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks to check on your baby’s health and development. It usually lasts 20 to 45 minutes. Baby kicks… 18 Week Pregnant

17 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Your baby can hear you Between 16 and 22 weeks, your baby will start to hear sounds inside your body, including the noises made by your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. Better sleep Resting easier… 17 Week Pregnant

16 Week Pregnant

Highlights this week Baby kicks coming soon You’ll probably start feeling your baby move between 16 and 22 weeks, most likely when you’re sitting or lying quietly. Veteran moms usually notice the first subtle flutters, known as… 16 Week Pregnant

15 Week Pregnant

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Highlights this week Baby gender predictor If you have an ultrasound coming up, you may be able to find out your baby’s sex if you don’t know already. Just for fun, you can also try these baby gender predictor tests.… 15 Week Pregnant